The 2018 Christmas Raffle took place on Saturday 15th December among much excitement and laughter. 5 winning tickets had been sold by Cub Scouts, 3 winning tickets had been sold by Scouts, and one winning ticket had been sold by a Beaver Scout. None of the winners this year had been sold by our Explorer Scouts… maybe next year!

See below a full list of the winning ticket numbers. We are grateful to everyone who made this raffle possible: our donors for the generous prizes, our children for selling the tickets and everyone who bought one (or more!) from them. Special thanks to our adult volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the draw such a success. The total amount raised was €2,400. Many thanks!

Prize nº 1 was won by ticket number 0251 and was sold by a Cub Scout.

Prize nº 2 was won by ticket number 0627 and was sold by a Cub Scout.

Prize nº 3. was won by ticket number 1547 and was sold by a Scout

Prize nº 4 was won by ticket number 0164 and was sold by a Beaver Scout.

Prize nº5 was won by ticket number 0708 and was sold by a Cub Scout.

Prize nº6 was won by ticket number 1862 and sold by a Scout.

Prize nº 7 was won by ticket number 1326 and sold by a Cub Scout.

Prize nº 8 was won by ticket number 1955 and sold by a Scout.

Prize nº 9 was won by ticket number 0748 and sold by a Cub Scout.