2022-2023 Round-up
AUTUMN 2022 Started with a small group visit with 1st Majadahonda and a representative of Girl Guiding Overseas to the British Embassy Madrid, to sign the Condolence Book for the HM Queen, Patron of Scouts and Girl Guiding. We were hosted by Sarah Cowley, Deputy Ambassador to Spain and members of the armed forces and police who had kindly put together a display for our young people about their work and shared their memories of the Queen. The next meeting, we read out Bear Grylls’s message to the group and planted purple and white flowers around our Jubilee Tree, planted in 2022 with the British Ambassador Hugh Elliott.

Explorers laid the wreath at the Remembrance Day service at St George’s Church in November, in presence of Commonwealth dignitaries and representatives of the Armed Forces.

This year we have managed to organise 4 camps. Arajuez Winter Camp was for Cubs to Explorers and was based around energy and learning how heat insulation works, history of human endeavours with electricity. Scouts made their own shelters and Explorers cooked all their own food.

Following this, was a trip all sections to the Nicola Tesla Exhibition to further our knowledge of energy. We also had a meeting based around the importance of water and sanitation on World Water Day, learning how best to save energy, avoid wasting water and keep water clean. We walked miles for World Earth Day around Parque Tirso de Molina in fancy dress. Scouts and Explorers were tied together by the ankles with neckers, to make it harder! We ended with a family picnic and a game of rounders.
Cercedilla Camp was our first Beavers only camp made more fun by joining with 1st Majadahonda Beavers. As February is very cold, Beavers were indoors in a youth hostel. It was in beautiful surroundings in the mountains by a running stream. Lots of fun games and new friends.

Patrol Camp was for a small group of Scouts in a house in Avila where they hiked, went horseriding and went for pizza. They helped organise what they would would do in advance.
Gredos Reach for the Stars, coming up soon 16-19 June, is an all sections camp where we have the whole campsite to ourselves. The theme this year is Astronomy and we have themed activities as well as professional guide lead mountain activities. There is also the obligatory paddling in the river. I have a feeling S club 7 might feature at some stage!

Our other highlights are the Christmas show, where each section did a sketch and invited family and friends. Our surprise vist from Jordan Mccullough our DC to the event made it even more fun and it was lovely to have him hand out awards in person.

Spring and Summer term Cubs made Paella outdoors and Scouts and Explorers made Sushi in a professional cookery school, we kayaked, visited the aerodrome, learnt First Aid, Scottish Dancing, Active Listening and visited Parque Europa. We organised a book swop /sale for parents and young people, with all monies going to Gabriela our KWSJ Explorer. To follow up our l Love Books theme we had a treasure hunt through central Madrid ending in Secret KingdomsEnglish Bookshop with book vouchers as prizes. Along with these activities we did badge work with a few hikes and handicrafts thrown in.
We will shortly be awarding our first Platinum Award, with 2 more due in September.